Batman: Arkham Knight, Batgirl expansion given a price and release date

Batgirls expansion for Batman: Arkham Knight has been given an price and release date.10275445_447016545432488_1538320659656311687_oll


Warner Bros. & DC announced today that the new expansion for Batman: Arkham Knight will be available to season pass holders on July 14th and the 21st for everyone else.

This new expansion will include a new location with multiple missions, side quests and secrets for you guys to find. You’ll also be getting a new hacking feature and Dual Play with Robin for dynamic take-down manoeuvres.

This DLC is a prequel to the events of Arkham Knight and tells you about Barbara Gordon’s other life before she was paralyzed, if you don’t own the seasons pass this DLC will cost you $9.00 (£5.79) this addon is not being developed by Rocksteady, and by Warner Bros. Montreal who are the same people who brought you Batman: Arkham Origins.

Probably because Rocksteady is in a hot mess trying as fast as they can to fix Batman: Arkham Knight on the PC.