GRIP – Rollcage inspired racing game

Wayback when the PS1 was still in production there was an underdog of a game that never got the recognition it needed “Rollcage”, with its advanced physics engine and great soundtrack, while it did get a sequel it still didn’t catch on. Now here’s “Grip” being made by Caged Element which it seems is only comprised of 2 developers, Chris Mallinson (Director/Artist) and Robert Baker (Programmer) seems like they have their work cut out for them. The developers were ” by the Rollcage games of a past generation.” I can’t wait to see how this turns out, after all the gameplay they’ve shown is prototype footage, so a lot of things are subject to change. Still without a doubt some incredible footage was shown in their trailer and we can’t wait for what they’ve got in store for us next.

They will be launching a kickstarter later this summer.

Check out the trailer: