Whose Port Is It Anyway? – Batman Arkham Knight

Hello and welcome to next generation gaming where the release dates are made up and the bugs don’t matter, just like Batman Arkham Knight. A game that’s not only been delayed twice, but still released with an extraordinary amount of problems on PC. So many problems actually that it’s been taken off sale for any PC marketplace currently in order to be fixed.

What’s so bad about the PC version you might be thinking. To start things off it is an awfully optimized port. The game runs horribly on any rig you throw at it and even the highest tier rigs can’t handle it perfectly. Now it doesn’t even matter if you can run it well because the game has a 30fps lock effectively making your hardcore PC about as useful a console. Actually less, because the PC version has missing graphical settings like ambient occlusion and rain. You’d be better off getting the game on a console currently, at least there it will actually look good and be playable.

It’s quite surprising how bad this port is, you’d think in this generation of gaming they’d have better quality control for something as big as AAA title. It’s as if no one at WB or Rocksteady had actually played their own game on PC for longer than 10 minutes.

At least bad ports like GTA IV still looked better than their console counterparts. Batman though is joining Saints Row 2 and Resident Evil 4 in the hall of shame.


WB Forums – Rocksteady’s Statement Regarding PC Port


Arkham Knight PC Overview – Digital Foundry



They didn’t have enough money to make a good port, but they had enough for this